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7 Best Places to Have Sex on a Cruise Ship

If you’re looking for some adventure onboard your cruise ship, finding a public place to have sex can be tricky. Cruise ships are loaded with security cameras so finding a secluded spot for a quick poke, bj or hj can be difficult. In this article we will explore the seven best places to have sex on a cruise ship.

7. Stateroom Balcony

Ok, this is pretty obvious. You don’t have to be a Rocket Scientist to think of having sex on your balcony. I’m not sure what Rocket Scientists and balconies have in common but nevertheless, this is a pretty obvious spot for sex outside of your stateroom. Keep in mind though that security cameras are fastened on the exterior areas of the ship. There may even be one right above your head. Chances are, sex on your balcony will not go unnoticed by security or even your neighbors since the glass under cruise ship balcony handrails reflect like a mirror.

6. Public Bathrooms

If sex in a bathroom is your thing, you’ll find plenty of publicly accessible bathrooms throughout your cruise ship.  To lessen the risk of being caught…

    1. Use a restroom near the theater late at night when there are no shows scheduled and this area of the ship is less busy.
    2. Avoid the restrooms near the casino because this area remains busy late into the night.
    3. Try staying onboard on a port day when the majority of the passengers are off the ship.

5. Another Passenger’s Stateroom

You’re on vacation. Live a little. Why not make a new friend and go a few rounds in their stateroom? Unless your new found friend is married or sharing a cabin, the risk of being caught is slim.

4. Comedy Club

The Comedy Clubs onboard cruise ships are always packed with people during shows. When it’s not showtime on the other hand, you may find the doors open or unlocked. You could potentially “get down” in here but remember to scope out the security cameras first.

3. Elevator

Cruise ships usually have elevators that run from the main lobby all the way to the highest deck. These elevators are used frequently but not as often as elevators located closest to stateroom access areas. Late at night you’ll find these elevators are used less often. Take the elevator to the highest floor and remain there for the most amount of privacy. This will definitely have to be a “quicky” to avoid being caught. If the elevator starts to move again, you know someone has called it and your happy time has ended.

2. Main Show Room

The Main Show Room on cruise ships is typically three stories high. Showrooms are used sporadically during the day and generally have an early and a late show in the evening. Late at night the showroom should be empty especially on the highest level of seating. Here you could find a secluded spot for whatever tickles your fancy.

1. Canopy Chairs

The number one spot is one of the canopy chairs located on the outside decks of the cruise ship. You will find these cocoon type chairs in various locations (often in the adults only areas) onboard. These seats are made for two and are partially enclosed. The best seats are at the forward or rear of the ship. Push the chair all the way up to the glass railing. This will prevent people from walking in front of you. The chairs usually have an opening on the back which would make it possible for passersby to see inside. Place your beach towel over the opening or go for the “reverse-cow-boy” position and the rider can use the opening in the chair to keep a look out.

Remember there are security cameras everywhere on cruise ships and the Captain reserves the right to disembark any passenger. Try these spots at your own risk. Be safe and thanks for reading.

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Now also available:  Cruise Ship F#ckery – Cruise Port Edition

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